PLS has changed my voice, but it can’t keep me from singing!

praise photo

Yet you are holy,
    enthroned on the praises of Israel. – Psalm 22:3

I have always loved to praise. My favorite form is singing. I’ve been singing since before I can even remember. I won awards for singing, and was even offered a recording contract in my senior year of high school. Singing is one of my very favorite things.

But I guess I never realized how important our praises, of all kinds, are to God. David writes that He is enthroned on praises. Our praises are His throne! Wow.

Over the past couple of months, my singing voice has begun to be affected by my Primary Lateral Sclerosis. It’s been affecting my voice for a while now, but left my singing voice alone. Now, no more. It is such a difficult loss and such a discouragement to my heart, I just can’t tell you how personal of an impact this change has had on me.

My breath control isn’t there anymore. Related to that, I don’t have to volume I had before, either. I have much less control over tone and it’s gotten to where I wince and cringe to hear myself sing. It makes me cry. The sorrow is tangible.

For me.

But for God…

Though He slay me,
I will hope in Him. – Job 13:15a

When I realized what my praises mean to God, that He makes them His very throne, I knew I had to keep singing. It doesn’t sound the same anymore.

To me…

But to God….


Dear God, thank You for treasuring our meager offerings as if they were priceless treasures. We love You so. In Jesus’ Name, Amen…

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May God Bless You,


6 Comments on “PLS has changed my voice, but it can’t keep me from singing!

  1. Shelly,
    Your singing is beyond beautiful to our Lord. To your husband. To your children. To me. Keep the praise alive through the sound of your voice – there are so many that need to hear it. I love you.

  2. Your voice is beautiful! So beautiful…I was so blessed! Ministered to by the sweetness of your praise! Keep singing, keep praising my sweet sister…


  3. I don’t remember knowing that either. Thanks for pointing it out.
    Sorry to hear that you’re losing that talent. Just remember, we’re called to make a “joyful noise “. I realize that is little consolidation, but to God’s ears, your voice is still beautiful.

  4. Shelly, really feeling for you as I remember what grief I felt when I could no longer sing – such a big part of my life “before”. Somewhere down the track I came to a point where I could be grateful for what I had done, rather than focus on the loss.
    Listening to you sing, I’m thinking that God hears us singing praise perfectly – no matter how we hear it ourselves – and it’s all a fragrant offering!

    You are living out the truth of Job 13:15 as you shine your light for Him.

  5. I posted a reply the other day but it did not ‘catch” apparently.
    Thanks for continuing to praise and sing and give God the glory, Shelly.
    You inspire.

    I know the deep grief I felt as one by one many things I loved so dearly were taken because of my condition – Godly talents and deep loves that nurtured me and also, I felt gave praise back to God. I had to stop playing my guitar as one strum became too much neurological processing for my head to handle and I’d start to churn into vertigo attacks – or stop before they took over. My craft and hand work, with counted cross stitch being the last to go – same overstimulation that could not be processed neurologically but this time it was a visual stimulation rather than tactile.

    But He gives us new ways to serve: listening to music still bring such solace and my own means of singing that only He can hear: stitching with words has replaced ( kind of ) my stitching with embroidery thread. And my deepest love of teaching young ones – well, hopefully I am able to bring encouragement ( a form of teaching ) to God’s grown up kids.

    Continuing prayers and love –
    xo Lynn
    Lynn+Severance recently posted…The Courage to Trust in God’s DelaysMy Profile

  6. Your voice is beautiful…for on your lips are praises to the Lord! You are such an inspiration, Shelly. Do you know that? You are encouraging so many, including myself.

    Love you, friend! Joan
    Joan recently posted…Shaken FoundationsMy Profile

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