For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. – Romans 8:14
For years I have heard the old anecdote, “I will be led, but I will not be driven.” It always makes me smile, and reminds me of my strength and independence. But today I was admiring that phrase through a different lens. Let’s look at it from God’s perspective. Why would it be better to be led and not driven?
To be driven implies a sense of urgency. I picture driving cattle, or chasing chickens into a coop; the animals rush about. There is a sense of panic about their actions. No thought is required, and the thought is absent because of fear. And there’s always a wildness in the eyes of anything being driven.
When I think about being led, I picture a shepherd with his sheep, or an owner calling the pet in from the outside. Unless the subject is running toward his master in joy, there is no rushing about. Instead of panic we find calm, hushed voices and quiet obedience. Being led involves not only thought, but a conscious and willing choice on the part of the follower. Instead of wildness in the eyes, we find hope and trust.
So often in our busy day to day lives, we can be driven by things without even realizing it! Driven by worry, driven by the world’s demands, driven by a sense of “not enough time”, driven by our desire to overcome our weaknesses, we can feel frantic and helpless. Jesus wants to lead us out of that terrible and confusing mindset. He wants to lead us with his voice alone, to a place that gives us hope and a refreshed spirit. Will we be driven today, or will we be led?
Lord, help us today to listen for Your voice through the driving forces around us. Help us to resist the temptation to rush about wildly. We know we can be led by you to much higher places. Thank you for your care for us, your followers. In Jesus’ Name, Amen…
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May God Bless You,
So true how we can be driven by “other” things without fully realizing. I believe the more we are in His word the quicker we begin to realize when that is happening and the quicker we turn to listen for His voice instead. Yes to this…”He wants to lead us with his voice alone, to a place that gives us hope and a refreshed spirit.”
You are so right about spending more time in the word, Beth! That is the key to so much! Heart Hugs, Shelly <3