Category: Carissa’s Corner

Carissa’s Corner: Standing on the Promises

God makes many promises. For example, when He promised to never flood the whole earth again. We know He’ll keep that promise, right? But what about His other promises? What about when He promises to make something good… Read More

Carissa’s Corner: Finding A Light In All The Chaos

It’s so hard being faced with all the temptations of this world! It seems like all people care about is money or how cool you are, or how you look. All these things are worthless to God. He… Read More

Carissa’s Corner: Trust God’s Plans for You!

Did you know that God actually has some really good plans for you? Well, He does! Even if you’re going through something really rough in your life and it seems anything but organized, trust me, everything is going… Read More

Introducing “Carissa’s Corner!”

Today, I am tickled pink to let you in on the fact that my sweet daughter, Carissa, will be writing one day a week here on Renewed Daily! She is 13 years old and wants to encourage people… Read More