The bride, a princess, looks glorious
in her golden gown.
In her beautiful robes, she is led to the king,
accompanied by her bridesmaids.
What a joyful and enthusiastic procession
as they enter the king’s palace! – Psalm 45:13-15
Today I am sitting in contemplation…
in wonder even…
that He owns all of this

photo credit: NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center via photopin cc
And He chose me.
Today I am astounded…
not to mention humbled…
that He could create this

photo credit: Danny Perez Photography via photopin cc
but longed to fashion me.
Today I will revel…
and be stupefied…
that all of this declares His glory

photo credit: Stanley Zimny (Thank You for 10 Million views) via photopin cc
and yet He glorifies in me.
Today I will renew my hope…
how could I not…
as I recognize that He is God Almighty

photo credit: fensterbme via photopin cc
and what He desires most is me.
Dear God, I am in awe. I pray to be a worthy bride, worthy of your pursuit, worthy of your adoration. I long to be faithful and beautiful. I love you. In Jesus’ Name, Amen…
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May God Bless You,
I love that picture of you, Shelly. I am in awe too. And always moved by your faith in Him . . . no matter the circumstances. Love you much. xoxo
Beth+S. recently posted…The Promised Land {Day 7: #write31days}
Thank you, Beth!!! I love you so! Heart Hugs, Shelly <3
Beautiful post, Shelly! And I think I’ll have to love you forever since you introduced me to More Than Rubies and this song!!
I hope you have a blessed and joy-fulled day, Sister!
God bless,
Jenn recently posted…LEGO® KidsFest Indianapolis – Tickets Giveaway
Thank you, Jenn! Don’t you just love More Than Rubies? I have all their songs and they are beautiful. You have a blessed day! Heart Hugs, Shelly <3
Stunning post! Absolutely beautiful! Thank you for this amazing reminder of His incredible love for each of us.
Heather+@+My+Overflowing+Cup recently posted…31 Things I Thank God For
Thank you, Heather! I’m glad you enjoyed the post! Love you! Heart Hugs, Shelly <3
Lovely photo of you and I also enjoyed your previous post as I know you are an extraordinary prayer warrior 🙂 Thank you! I sent you a card a few days ago…hope you got it 🙂
Dolly@Soulstops recently posted…Hooked in the Heart (& Giveaway)
I haven’t gotten it yet, Dolly, but will be watching for it! I love you, sweet friend! Heart Hugs, Shelly <3
Love that photo of you~!
Your words are simply glorious… our hearts and minds on what Christ has achieved for us all.
I have a huge admiration for that fact that although you suffer in ways most of us could never comprehend, you consistently point us towards Jesus and the cross.
Love this words of this song…and know that He is caring for those who know Him..including beautiful YOU. <3 <3
I love you, Mary! Thank you for always encouraging and uplifting me! Heart Hugs, Shelly <3
your words are centering …somehow that word didn’t come out.
So amazing… He chose us for his own!
It is amazing, isn’t it, Joan? I love you! Heart Hugs, Shelly <3
Beautiful thoughts from a beautiful soul. Praising God for you and his love for us all!
Cathy+Z.+Peek recently posted…Failure to Thrive
Thank you so much, Cathy! You are such a precious friend. I love you. Heart Hugs, Shelly <3
Oh how your photos just burn away the dross, take us to what is worth all the hardships we face…points us to the creator, giving us hope…filling us with faith. Thank you!
Wow, Jen. You humble me. Thank you. I love you and am always praying for you and your precious family. Heart Hugs, Shelly <3
It’s quite humbling to realize how much He desires a relationship with us. He is our bridegroom! Wow. Just wow 🙂
Gives me goosebumps, Anne! Heart Hugs, Shelly <3
AMEN! The perfect reminder of who we were {loved the picture of the dirty feet!}, and His perfect cleaning and transformation! Your heart amazes me!
Awww, what a sweet thing to say, Sarah. Love you. Heart Hugs, Shelly <3