On Clinging and Leaving Footprints

tide photo

So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows. – Matthew 10:31

I’ve been reading a lot lately about starfish. I don’t know why, it just occurred to me how cool they are and I wanted to know more.

They can move along along surfaces underwater, sometimes even leaving a footprint. Did you know that? See? Cool!

starfish photo

But the thing about starfish that caught and held my attention the longest is the fact that they cling. Have you ever stood in the current of the ocean, feet planted as firmly as they could be in the sand, striving to stand firm and not be dragged out with the force of the tide?

Tides recede, and starfish remain. Their brilliant splotch of color can be seen molded to the uneven surfaces of rocks. Somehow, this tiny creature has resisted the pull of the mighty ocean. It amazes me.

So through my research I learned that starfish produce a certain protein in their little tubule feet. When this protein is needed, it is released and is like a glue to keep the starfish in place. But here’s the amazing part… it isn’t like a super glue, it’s more like a sticky tack. See, when the little guy wants to move on, he releases cells that work in reverse and deactivate the glue.

The starfish doesn’t have to think about these steps. He doesn’t have to store up energy to complete this amazing task over and over and over again. He just clings, and then moves on. At whim.

I had to stop at that point in my research. I had to pray to our Great God right that minute.

See, sometimes I wonder how I can possibly hold on one more moment. With the waves crashing over me, the tide pulling relentlessly, and knowing I will face the same tomorrow, I really wonder if the glue of my faith can keep me steady through one more push-and-pull.

Other times I am certain that I can not move on from here. Here is where I’ve been for so long, that out there looks scary. Here is where I’m comfortable, here is where I’m known and safe. Taking a step outside this comfort zone feels huge and way too uncertain, even if He’s gone ahead to prepare the way.

And then I read about the starfish.

Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? – Matthew 6:26

Are we?

We know that we are. We know because He came. Jesus left it all and ran to our rescue. And now He’s gone to prepare a place.

I don’t know the details of what you’re facing today, Dear One. But I know Who does. And I know that if He can create the starfish to cling and move forward perfectly, He can certainly do the same for us.

And He will.

Sweet Jesus, whether today calls for clinging glue or leaving a footprint, help us to turn it all over to You. Guide us, Father. Stay by our side. In Jesus’ Name, Amen…

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May God Bless You,


4 Comments on “On Clinging and Leaving Footprints

  1. WOW, I LOVE this post!
    Now I know why I always had a great fascination with starfish!
    I always loved their brilliant colors and just the fact that they were created in the shape of a star was enough for me, but now this!
    Just another reminder of God’s intricate care of ALL His creation.
    Thankful I can cling to my Savior♥♥♥♡♡♡
    Love you my Bestie
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  2. I love this post, Shelly. What beautiful spiritual lessons you have given us through the starfish. Those waves of trouble do relentlessly push and pull at us. But yes, the same God who created the starfish to survive can certainly give us the power to cling to Him and leave footprints for His glory. Thank you for this hope-filled post! Blessings and hugs to you!
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