So take a new grip with your tired hands and strengthen your weak knees. – Hebrews 12:12
Reading in one of my favorite books of the Bible, Hebrews, this week, I saw this scripture. Now maybe that’s the hundredth time I’ve seen that scripture, but one of the greatest things about reading the Bible over and over is that each time you approach the scripture, there’s a new nugget to be gleaned.
Maybe it was just that I was in a different frame of mind that day, but here’s what I got from this verse this week: Hold on and don’t stop praying!
When we are given advice for hard times from the book of Hebrews, we are told to strengthen our tired hands. Yes, chronic illness and pain have tired our hands. Sometimes to the point where they can no longer even function! But if we grasp hold of the supernatural power of our risen Savior, we can get a new grip. He will renew our strength! My weak hands are never too tired to hold out, empty, to my Lord. I’ll never pull them back to myself less than completely full and refreshed.
We are also advised to strengthen our weak knees. This could mean to get back up, but I choose to apply it to my prayer life. Some days, as powerful as I believe prayer is, I am just weak. I am tired, I am discouraged, and it feels useless to continue to pray. But it never is! Getting back on my knees will strengthen my soul, and a strengthening of my soul will in turn strengthen my prayer life. Getting on my knees should never be a last resort, it should be my first instinct during the hard times!
I challenge you today to take the advice of the Hebrew writer, as I have. Hold on and don’t stop praying! And please leave me a comment to let me know how God blessed you for taking Him at His word!
Dear Lord, thank You for never leaving us at a loss. Please strengthen our weak knees and help us to get a new grip today. In Jesus’ Name, Amen…
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May God Bless You,
Great encouragement in reminding me especially when I’m in pain to give it to God and receive His strength. This has been a painnfpul day but my God is strengthening me.
So sorry to hear you’re having a pain flare, Tracy! Praying for your RIGHT NOW! <3 Heart Hugs, Shelly