“Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” – Romans 8:26
I don’t know about your house, but our house has always been filled with music. So has our car, our computer, our church building, our yard… you get the picture. Because of this I often have songs stuck in my head, and even though I’m a stickler for the words, sometimes I just can’t remember them. Trust me when I tell you that that has never once stopped me from singing at the top of my lungs!!
Sometimes I make up my own words, but most of the time when I don’t know the words, I simply hum the tune. If I don’t know the whole tune, I will hum the one part that I do know, over and over and over again until I am driving even myself crazy! Sometimes I embellish the part I do know with little flourishes and trills as I hum.
As I was reading this scripture today, it struck me that this is what I need to do on those days when simply am at a loss in my prayer life. Do you ever have those days?
Some days I simply don’t know what to pray… maybe it’s because I’m overwhelmed with sorrow or stress, or maybe it’s because I’m overcome with gratitude, or maybe it’s simply that I know I need to pray for a friend but have no idea how, exactly what their needs are, or how to bring them before the Lord.
Just as not knowing the words to my favorite songs never stops me from humming the tune, not knowing the words to pray should never stop me from getting on my knees before my Father!
I know the melody, it is engraved on my heart. This verse reminds me that the Holy Spirit supplies the words and makes intercession for us. Now I’m getting chills as I’m typing this, just trying to take in how wondrous that is… the Holy Spirit is a part of my song of prayer to God each time I approach that throne. Today I will remember to hum faithfully when I don’t know the words!!
Dear Lord, as we go through our day today, please help us to remember that no matter our circumstances, the Holy Spirit is much more qualified than we will ever be to bring our pleas and gratitude before you. Help us to hum with flourishes and trills ad nauseam. We want your melody to be the only one in our hearts and minds. Thank you, Father for this day and your mercy. In Jesus’ Name, Amen….
Here’s a little ditty that always gets stuck in my head. Happy Humming
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May God Bless You,
Shelly, It is so wonderful how the Spirit intercedes for us. I love your reminder that our lack of words need not stop us from getting on our knees and crying out (or even humming) to God. Thanks for linking up to Through The Lens Thursday.
Janet recently posted…Comment on Through The Lens Thursday #76 – Community by Janet
Janet, thank you for visiting, and for the chance to link up! So glad you were encouraged by my post. It’s wonderful to “meet” you! Heart Hugs Shelly <3