Is Prayer Tangible?

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Jesus reached out and touched him. “I am willing,” he said. “Be healed!” And instantly the leprosy disappeared.Luke 5:13

I believe so strongly in the power we have access to through prayer! Prayer moves mountains. Prayer is a vital connection with our God. That just takes my breath away. He wants to walk and talk with me. Me!

But even as highly as I view prayer, when someone comes to me with a problem I still tend to want to fix it. Oh, don’t get me wrong. I pray! Right that moment and all the moments after, I am actively lifting that person in prayer. The other day it dawned on me that I wanted something tangible.

Tangible means “perceptible by touch”. I think I’ve not been thinking accurately about prayer.

Therefore he is able, once and forever, to save those who come to God through him. He lives forever to intercede with God on their behalf. – Hebrews 7:25

This great Savior who lives to intercede on our behalf… wow… this Savior is the one who reached out and touched the lepers. He is the one who held the little children and allowed the weeping woman to bathe his feet with her tears. This Christ who is willing and lives forever… He knows the value of touch.

Jesus could have healed from a distance. He could have saved with a whisper on the wind. He could have encouraged with a word. But He didn’t. He touched people. He got down in the dirt with them and put His arms around them and He loved them.

He is the Intermediary, this Toucher of the unwanted. He is how we approach the Throne.

There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved. – Acts 4:12

I have to believe, in light of these things, that prayer is tangible. Jesus makes it that way, don’t you think? He reaches out to let us know with a gentle touch that we are not alone in the darkness. He places a strong hand on our quivering shoulder to anchor us when we feel tossed by the storms. He binds our aching spirit wounds and draws us close.

His kind of love could never be distant and vague. No, it’s tangible, all right.

There is nothing more tangible we could do for ourselves or for anyone else, than to reach out through Christ in prayer. It’s touching the hem.

Reach with me, won’t you?

Dear God, we can never thank You enough for the blessing of approaching You in prayer. Thank you for showing us how important touch is to You, through the life of Jesus. Help us to touch others in the way that He did. In Jesus’ Name, Amen…

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May God Bless You,


5 Comments on “Is Prayer Tangible?

  1. like you, I know people are praying at times….it’s as if we literally FEEL it….or feel the power of it touch us.
    I know things have changed for the good in my family because YOU, faithful friend, have prayed for them
    I pray for YOU, often, and already we have seen some of the things the Lord spoke about your move, come to pass.
    Tangible to me means I am able to perceive it and grasp it, by faith..
    Love you. xxxx

  2. What a delicate balance it is to not try to do instead of pray, yet to not pray to avoid having to do. I think, like Jesus, prayer coupled with genuine care and human touch, is key.

  3. Oh, what a comforting thought! I found so much encouragement in this post…just thinking of how Jesus reached out and touched with His precious hands, and how He was not afraid to touch the untouchables and outcasts of society. Praise God, He welcomes every one of us to the Throne of Grace, where we will obtain mercy and find grace to help in every time of need. Thank you SO much for the email, too. I am BEYOND excited to have won!!!! I surely appreciate it…and appreciate you, too, sweet friend. 🙂
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