Made to Burn

But if I say, “I will not remember Him
Or speak anymore in His name,”
Then in my heart it becomes like a burning fire
Shut up in my bones;
And I am weary of holding it in,
And I cannot endure it. – Jeremiah 20:9

This scripture, it lives inside me. It’s a living, flowing thing that just consumes me. It defines me. It’s why I write. It’s why I continue on.

It’s also the groovy way that God delivered my One Word for 2015. Don’t you just love when He does that… makes an entrance?

I am so excited to walk the journey of 2015 with Him at the helm and always by my side. Good or bad, whatever it brings will be special kind of lesson. And you know, that whatever it is I work through… whatever it is He teaches me… whatever questions I wrestle and discoveries I make… I’ll be sharing them all here with you.

Because If I say “I will not remember Him or speak anymore in His name,” then in my hearts it becomes like a burning fire shut up in my bones. I cannot endure it.

I don’t question this anymore, I just speak when prodded. Because I’ve learned one truth over this last year.


We were made to…


Holy God, my year is yours. I trust you. I love you. In Jesus’ Name, Amen…

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May God Bless You,


7 Comments on “Made to Burn

  1. And I am looking forward to reading all that the Lord lays upon your heart to share throughout 2015
    So keep on burning His Word to us!!
    Love you and I appreciate the way you share straight from your heart whatever the Lord impresses upon your heart
    and nine times out of ten … well really ten times out ten … it’s just what I need to hear and it carries me through my day♡♡
    Love you my sister and sweet friend♡♡♡

  2. Shelly, my “word” for 2015 fell into my lap the other day during my time in the morning with the Lord and I was journaling.

    It is not “BURN” but it is “BELIEVE”. At least we are in the same place in the alphabet!! And actually, I see parallels in the two words.

    It will be amazing to see where God leads each of us with our individual focuses that He has given!!

    Love, Lynn
    Lynn+Severance recently posted…Shepherds Approaching the MangerMy Profile

  3. BURN Shelly, BURN for Him.
    That is one powerful word that knowing you, you will live out to the full,
    and we will be stretched and growing right along with you as we follow your journey.
    ALL my prayer partners at our NYE dinner felt certain the year ahead will be as good as last year was H A R D ~!
    May it be so,

  4. Love your word! I want to burn for Him too! My Word is content and I know there will be lots of faith muscle exercising as I walk it out.

  5. Yes Shelly! We are challenged in our spiritual life to keep up our fervor and not to put out the spirit’s fire. To be on fire is to burn with zeal for God with a desire to please and serve Him. We are all expected to be zealously on fire for Him serving with all of our heart in our service and in the witness of our faith! Great Word!
    Blessings to you this New Year as you Burn with enthusiasm and great love!

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