No wonder my heart is glad, and I rejoice. My body rests in safety. – Psalm 16:9
This is the time of year, isn’t it, when we feel the tired a little more than we normally would. The hustle and bustle is over, we’re staring at all the décor that now has to come down. Work and school are back in session and we are under so much outside pressure to “make this year a great one!”
The stress, the fatigue, the anxiety… it’s bad for us, Dear Ones. It does awful things to our hearts and minds, and yes, even our bodies! Personally, anxiety played a huge roll in my chronic condition.
So, you better believe I’m all about minimizing all that angst and resting in God this year.
Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. – Matthew 11:28
I’ve put together a list and hung it up where I can see it in my home. Your list may look different than mine, but I encourage you to make one. Pray about it and dedicate it and keep it right in your space.
And so with a deep breath, here are some ideas that help me (and may help you) to adopt and maintain a mindset of peace and rest, even in the busiest of days.
* Start the day with prayer. Try the One-Minute Prayer during the most difficult times of your day. Just set a timer for one minute and talk to God. Easy Peasy. Keep that line of conversation open and don’t be afraid to be specific about what you need.
* If you’re able, choose a peaceful soundtrack for your day. My favorite is featured below, Scripture Lullabies. Perhaps you prefer instrumental music? Whatever your favorite “chill” music is, find a way to play it very quietly in the background whenever you can.
* Give yourself some love. Literally. Try a self-hug when you feel really tense. Hold the opposite shoulder with each hand, then gently apply pressure. Don’t overdo it and strain your joints. Just allow that stretch to sink into your upper back, neck and shoulders. Don’t forget to breathe while you do it.
* Touch base with someone during your day who makes you smile. Perhaps you can just send a quick text, forward a funny picture, or have a quick call during a break. Those few minutes can make a huge impact on your day!
* Never underestimate the power of a catnap. This can be literally for 5 minutes. Find a quiet spot, lay your head down, close your eyes and just rest your mind. Maybe that’s through visualization or maybe it’s emptying your brain. Whatever works for you, set your timer and get your rest on.
So that’s it. Five easy-peasy, no assembly required recommendations for de-stressing our days. I’d love if you’d share your own ideas in the comments!
You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! – Isaiah 26:3 |
Now, get out there and…. REST! <3
Heavenly Father, thank You for calling us to Your rest… real rest that revives us. Please help this to become a habit this year. In Jesus’ Name, Amen…
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May God Bless You,
Love this, Shelly. Great reminders. A lot of us are being told to be still. Our good, good Father knows how we need to rest and be renewed.
Thank you, Tammy! You always are a great encouragement to me! May our good, good Father renew you daily! Love you! <3 Heart Hugs
Thank you Shelly. This is a hard time of year when the days are short and the weather is cold. I will be making my list. ?
It is a particularly dreary and uncomfortable time of year, isn’t it? Let me know what’s on your list! Love you, Kelly! <3 Heart Hugs
Love the ideas Shelly!
I also find that looking at something pretty or colourful helps me.
Having a cup of tea in a pretty teacup always makes me sigh!
Also doing the self hug is even more calming with very gentle tapping on shoulders or arms with your hands in a non-repetitive pattern helps. There’s some science behind it as to why it calms the body.
We’re in summer in Australia, so sitting on our balcony in the cool breezes of the evening are calming too. God bless.
LOTSoluv Kerryn
Looking at something pretty, YES! A cup of tea, oh my, double YES! I am SO adding the tapping gently to my self-hugs, Kerryn! When the cool breeze blows by, think of all of us who love you, sending kisses on the wind! Love you! <3 Heart Hugs
Shelly, your wording of “sending kisses on the wind” was absolutely gorgeous! There’s a sea breeze now, so I’m receiving lots of kisses on the wind!
When you tap your arms (or legs) make sure that it’s not a set pattern of tapping. Apparently it makes a difference if it’s random taps. It’s made a huge difference to me many times. I’m happy to explain more if you email me privately.
LOTSoluv Kerryn