More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ, and may be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own derived from the Law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith, that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death; in order that I may attain to the resurrection from the dead. – Philippians 3:8-11
Some days I feel like so much is lost. Do you? We’ve given up so much. We’ve had things ripped from our grasping hands as the tears of grief rolled down our face.
Some days I feel like what has been lost is, in essence, me.
These past few weeks have been like that. Maybe your past few weeks have been like that to? Or maybe worse.
God has gently been bringing this scripture to mind for me, more and more lately. He does everything with such mercy, doesn’t He?
I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. One thing I can never lose is the Pearl of Great Price. In fact, were He to have asked me to voluntarily give up all I have lost to gain Christ, I would have gladly handed it over. Wrapped it in a bow and tossed it away like the rubbish it truly is… willingly and cheerfully, in fact.
For the record, He never did ask it of me. He requires only my faith and Christ is already mine to claim. What a great and wondrous bounty is laid at my feet. Why is it that I still longingly gaze backward at the rubbish pile?
…and may be found in Him…
Are you feeling like you have lost yourself, Dear One? I know where you can be found… where I can be found. Simply in Him.
And the verse that follows the ones above? It’s where you’ll find the key to it all.
When you’re wondering how? HOW?? on earth??? can we make it through. How can we be found? How can we stop wishing for the rubbish over the Pearl?
Not that I have already obtained it or have already become perfect, but I press on so that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus. – Philippians 3:12
Press On. Press In.
He knows we’re not perfect. He knows about those longing glances into the past. He does not despise our weakness; He fills in the gaps and grows our strength to greater heights than we could ever reach alone.
Press On. Press In.
Are you with me?
Father in Heaven, reach down into our all-too-human hearts and grant us the peace of knowing You. You are the How. Thank You for always being more than enough. Thank You for never giving up on us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen…
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May God Bless You,
Pressing on, Shelly! Each day is a new day with Him…and “with Him” is the key! Thanks for the encouragement!
Love, Joan
Joan recently posted…Sharing His Beauty Blog Link Up
Amen, Joan! I love you! Heart Hugs <3
Thanks Shelly for the reminder to Press On … I needed this today!
Love you bunches ♡♡♡♡
Praying for you and Hubby, Barb! I love you, sister of my heart! <3 Heart Hugs
Shelly this was a great message! Even if it is a bad day we need to press on. God is there in everything. Thanks for sharing.
So true, Kelly!!! It’s so important to remember, isn’t it? Love you. Heart Hugs <3
I love how the Holy Spirit is directing you to verses that comfort you and give you HOPE and that can help keep your mind on HIM=AT PEACE…..praying for you Beloved <3 Keep your ears and heart on Him and all manner of things shall be well.
Surprise in the mail 😉
Mary… your friendship blesses me so very much!! I love you! <3 Heart Hugs
When I have that lost feeling, I remind myself to thank God because He specializes in finding lost things. Press on, sister!
Thankful for that, Lisa! He does indeed! Heart Hugs, Shelly <3
There are times when we just have to keep on keeping on. have had to do this more times that i care to remember!
thanks for the inspiration to take one more step for the Lord!
love & hugs
Love you, Marie! Heart Hugs to you this week. <3
Press On Press In, great words of encouragement.
Alecia Simersky recently posted…What’s Up With Our Food Today? Clean Eating Part 1
So happy you were encouraged, Alecia! <3 Heart Hugs
Life does feel like that to me too, Shelly. But the Lord’s embrace also seems to be tightening… May you know his arms buoying you up today! If you stop over at my blog today, may you find a hug in my “valentine” there –
Pam, it did indeed bless me, as you always do! You are so talented! The verse in Eccelsiastes is one of my very favorite. Love you. Heart Hugs, Shelly <3