photo credit: …anna christina… via photopin cc
For God, who said, “Let there be light in the darkness,” has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ. – 2 Corinthians 4:6
Don’t settle for less.
Take it in stride.
You can still be the answer to a prayer!
We are best when we are community.
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Heart Hugs, Shelly <3

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May God Bless You,
Shelly, that is an amazing video! I just love dogs!
And, the verse you shared was so meaningful to me tonight. Even in the darkest days, the Light still shines. How wonder-full!
Sharon recently posted…CINDERELLA GOD
So glad it was meaningful and timely for you, Sharon! Heart Hugs, Shelly <3
Thank you for the opportunity to link up, God Bless you (: Love your blog!
Christianalove recently posted…Heavenly Encounters in an Unheavenly Place
Thank you for always encouraging me, Christiana! Heart Hugs, Shelly <3
That is an amazing story! So many lessons to be learned from it too! Shelly, you always amaze me with the videos you find!
Joanne+Viola recently posted…Lessons From Family
Joanne, the video really stuck with me! So glad you’re here. Love you. Heart Hugs, Shelly <3
Pingback: Quitting Thursday Linkup: Blessed - God's Girl
Wow…awesome video. What a joy to come to you space and share the goodness of God. Thank you for hosting. I hope your week is full of the joy that only Christ can give–the Christ of light! ~Pamela
Pamela recently posted…Thoughts from the Bookcase and a Giveaway
May your week be blessed, too, Pamela! Heart Hugs, Shelly <3
Shelly…What a sweet precious story. Thank you for sharing it today. Always blessed. Thank you for the link up, too. Have a JOY-filled week my dear friend.
Thanks for joining us, Naomi! Heart Hugs, Shelly <3
Hey Sweet Shelly… sorry I have been a super slacker at this whole linking-up jam… The last several weeks we have been on vacation so remember to link up wasn’t at the front of my mind (entertaining a 17 month old for 2000 miles in the car was, however.)
Glad to be back– keep up the great work! Love to you.
Sharita recently posted…A Walk Through the Parables: The Weeds of Life
Sharita, I totally understand! Sure does make my heart go pitter-pat to see you here. 🙂 Heart Hugs, Shelly <3
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