Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. – Romans 12:15
The definition of “rejoice” includes to gladden, take delight, revel and glory in. Wow! I know this is the way I want others to feel when I share good news with them! Is this how I feel when they share their good news with me?
Sometimes chronic illness can make life feel very unfair. Those with disability can feel like our blessings are outnumbered by those blessings of folks who take things for granted.
Everyday little normal things that would be miracles to us are treated as mundane by those who are healthy and busy, and it can make us bitter sometimes.
When others share their joys and the joy is something we ourselves wish we could experience, it can be hard not to react with hurt, sadness, and even anger.
What we fail to realize is that by commanding us to rejoice with those who rejoice, God has actually ensured a great blessing for us. If we will obey, we will find that we can experience those joys for ourselves! We can participate in those blessings vicariously. And perhaps we will even help the joyful to see what blessings those seemingly mundane moments are. It’s a win-win when we rejoice with those who rejoice.
Anything less would mean that I am looking at their good fortune through a lens of envy. Less than rejoicing with those who rejoice is petty, it is selfish, and it is sinful. I wish to be none of those things.
From now on, I’m aiming higher!
Dear God, thank You for the possibilities You provide to us by ensuring that we rejoice with those who rejoice. Please help me not to let any of them pass by! In Jesus’ Name, Amen…
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May God Bless You,