Sea of Change

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. – Hebrews 13:8

These past few months… ok, ok, these past few years… have been filled with so much change, it can sometimes make my head spin.

Change in health, change in abilities, change in responsibilities, change in every aspect of my life. Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Real and imagined. Concrete and abstract. It’s all been filled to the brim with changes.

I’ve decided after much introspection, that change is uncomfortable. I even wrote a post a little while back on the messiness of change.

But today I’m focusing on something that is very comforting to me right now, when I’m feeling a bit tossed by the waves. It’s something that doesn’t ever change. Not ever.

photo credit: gulfman1 via photopin cc

photo credit: gulfman1 via photopin cc


Jesus Christ. The same yesterday, when I was cranky and couldn’t rest and felt a little overwhelmed. The same today, when I’m back on more solid ground but still fighting my own body. The same forever.

Jesus Christ is still the powerful Word of God, by whom all things were made.

Jesus Christ is still the comforting Savior who healed with a touch, when a word would suffice.

Jesus Christ is still the conquering Lord of Heaven’s Armies who is ready and able to deliver.

He still bleeds, He still cares, He still covers completely.

He’s still utterly, incomprehensibly in love with me and you. Yesterday, when I questioned it. Today, when I am certain of it. Forever, when I’ll bask in it.

If you’re floundering today, like I am, grab on to this solid truth:
Circumstances change, states change, health changes, finances change, attitudes change, sometimes people change. But truth does not change!!

“I am the Lord, and I do not change.” – Malachi 3:6a

Hold tight with me. Believe with me. Trust with me. He has never changed, He isn’t changing, and He will never change.

Ahhh, that feels so nice, to have an anchor in the midst of all this upheaval. Doesn’t it?

Dear Lord, I’m clinging to You with my friends today. Shore us up, Lord, and keep us certain. Thank You for all that You are and always have been and always will be. In Jesus’ Name, Amen…

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May God Bless You,


6 Comments on “Sea of Change

  1. Shelly, only one word to share as I read this devotion …. AMEN!
    I was “amening” with everything you said.
    I absolutely LOVE how the Lord uses you to speak directly to my heart and to just those same exact things I am struggling with that you write about …. are you sure you are not hacked into my e-mail or my text messages♥♥♥♥
    I have been praying for you♡♡
    Thanks again for allowing the Lord to use you and for reminding me…
    “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today and for ever” AMEN

    • Barb, the Lord is hacked right into your HEART! I am SO humbled that He would use my words to be able to show you His love. He is such a loving God.
      Thank you for your prayers. Heart Hugs, Shelly <3

    • I love you, Beth! Thank you for your prayers for me! I’m always praying for you, too! Heart Hugs, Shelly <3

  2. Hey fellow warrior- as always your words encourage me and cause me to look UP 🙂
    Indeed, truth does not change!!

    Standing with you in absolute agreement: Hold tight with me. Believe with me. Trust with me. He has never changed, He isn’t changing, and He will never change.

    Yes, it
    s great to have an anchor in the midst of all this upheaval. Holding fast to the anchor of my soul.

    Dear Lord, I’m clinging to You with my friends today. Shore us up, Lord, and keep us certain. Thank You for all that You are and always have been and always will be. In Jesus’ Name, Amen…

    amen and amen dear Shelly. Thanks for praying for me as I am for you <3

    • Mary, it’s a joy to stand before God with you, sweet friend. Heart Hugs, Shelly <3

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