And the judgment is based on this fact: God’s light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil. All who do evil hate the light and refuse to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed. But those who do what is right come to the light so others can see that they are doing what God wants. – John 3:19-21
Today I wanted to sign up for some freebies through the mail. That sounded fun and I went right to the page and filled out what was needed. First, the site wanted all of my personal information. Then came the trick… I couldn’t receive any freebies without signing up for all kinds of unwanted junk and programs I had no interest in.
What struck me the most was the way that the question for each item were phrased.
“Do you want to save money?”
“Do you want to be healthy and happy?”
“Do you like free products?”
Seriously. There was a “yes” button and a “no” button. Who in their right mind would say “no” to these questions?? Tricky, right?
Next thing I know, my inbox is inundated with junk and junk and more junk! It becomes overwhelming so quickly, and somehow those freebies that brought me to this in the first place, just never show up.
God started to show me that the same is true with worry.
First, the enemy gets your personal information. You sign up for that because you have no idea what’s coming next. Then, blamo, he’s bombarding you with questions to which you can’t possibly answer “no”!
“Do you want to know you have enough set aside for an emergency?”
“Do you want your loved ones to be safe?”
“Do you like to be independent?”
Tricky, right?
Next thing you know, your heart and mind are inundated with junk and junk and more junk! It becomes overwhelming so quickly, and somehow the promise of little treasures that brought me to this in the first place, just never show up.
There’s only one place the evil won’t go.
Into the light.
Today, let’s find a spot of sunlight in which to bask. While we’re there, feeling that warmth, let’s close our eyes and bask in the Sonlight. Pray, hum a hymn, embrace the quiet. Whatever brings you closer to Him.
Be inundated with His love and grace, instead of the false promises the devil wants to overwhelm you with.
Heavenly Father, Thank You for the sunlight. Thank You especially for Your Son’s Light. That light is a fortress around us, keeping out the evil one who wants only for us to worry and fear and despair. Brace us, God, as we lean into You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen…
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May God Bless You,