Seek First Project: Details, Details (Day 120)

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O Lord, You are my God; I will exalt You,
I will give thanks to Your name;
For You have worked wonders,
Plans formed long ago, with perfect faithfulness. – Isaiah 25:1

Are you ready to add details to your goals? This is the part I never usually get to, to be honest. That’s why I wanted to be very intentional about goal-making and not just do it the way I always have. Because that’s never really worked. 

You can make a whole new list in your journal if that’s what helps you the most. For myself, I am just adding to the abstract list I already made, so that I can see the overall goal I’m going for when I strive for the details.

What we’re doing today is basically thinking about these 5 goals we’ve made, in a deeper way. Getting real, so to speak.

For instance, I want to not feel so tired all the time. That’s an abstract goal. Now, how will I go about this? What ONE specific change can I make that will move me toward success in this area?  Well, I can hold to a specific bed time and wake time. I’m bad about this. Really bad. It’s going to take a lot of determination, but this change is what I need to get me moving in the right direction! 

Take this concept, and apply it to each of the five items on your goals list. 

Here’s my list, as an example:
#1 Getting back to sending prayers to people -> make it doable by sending prayers to 5 people a day
#2 Not feeling so tired all the time -> stick to a determined bedtime and wake time
#3 Making more of an effort in my marriage ->do one special SMALL thing a day to let him know I’m thinking of him
#4 Surrender my fears of illness and trauma -> literally writing out the fear EVERY time I have it, and sealing it in a jar as I pray for God to take it
#5 I don’t want to be so distracted -> do only ONE thing at a time

Now remember, this is ALL you’re doing today! Don’t get all overwhelmed thinking you have to implement all of this right now! Just pray about the details you’ve added. Ask God for His strength to make this happen in your life. And especially, ask Him for patience. This is not an overnight venture. 

Tomorrow, Getting Ready to Implement the Plan. 


Most High, be with us, we pray. In Jesus’ Name, Amen…


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May God Bless You,


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