And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you. – Philippians 4:8-9
There are certain things that are lovely and it’s just the way it is. Then there are some things that are lovely to us, that others may find strange. Lovely thoughts are so important, and it can be hard to call them to mind as we sit in the overwhelm worry or fear or anxiety.
And so today, let’s write. Let’s create a poem that we can pull out on the days we’re having a hard time remembering what things we find lovely. I want us to be able to read it and remember. I want it to focus our minds and hearts on where they should be.
I’ll show you my poem, and then the template will follow, to help you create your own.
Here we go… Thinking On Lovely:
Lovely is a crisp evening breeze that holds the scent of a campfire.
It’s the redeeming sound of the song, “We Dance”, reminding me of His love.
Lovely is the glittering crystals of a freshly fallen snow.
The wink of color on a blackbird’s wing.
A mist that covers the valley places at dawn.
Lovely is that second just before the sun completely disappears below the horizon
when cicadas call and peace twinkles in the first evening star.
Lovely is a warm blanket laying soft against chilled skin.
It’s a hug that wraps you up safe and doesn’t show any sign of letting go.
A pitch black silence that you spend in a rocking chair, peering into eyes that mirror your own.
Lovely is the first bite of a fresh strawberry that bursts on your tongue
or the first sip of cocoa on Christmas morning.

Photo by SweetOnVeg
Lovely is a perfect magnolia, filling the air with it’s unique fragrance.
It’s the family table with heads bowed and hands clasped.
Waking up shivering in a tent in the mountains while you’re wearing all your socks.
There’s a lot of lovely in this world. Just look around and you’re sure to find your share.
And while you’re at it, be sure to count yourself, your Savior and His care.
Lovely is a (your favorite describing word for a breeze) breeze that holds the scent of (a favorite smell that might be carried on a breeze).
It’s the (a word to describe your favorite song) sound of the song, “(your favorite song)”, reminding me of (what the song reminds you of).
Lovely is the (describe what comes to mind that you find lovely to look upon).
The (describe what comes to mind that you find lovely to look upon).
A (describe what comes to mind that you find lovely to look upon).
Lovely is (your favorite time of day)
when (a familiar sound at this time of day) and (a special thing that happens at this time of day.
Lovely is (a favorite feeling and when it’s especially comforting).
It’s a (favorite feeling to experience with someone else).
A (describe a favorite memory of yours).
Lovely is the first bite of (a favorite food) that (describe how the bite feels) on your tongue
or the first sip of (a favorite drink) (when).
Lovely is a perfect (your favorite flower), filling the air with it’s (describe the flower’s scent) fragrance.
It’s the (describe a favorite activity with family or friends)
(describe another favorite memory that stands out).
There’s a lot of lovely in this world. Just look around and you’re sure to find your share.
And while you’re at it, be sure to count yourself, your Savior and His care.
Dear God, keep the lovely forefront in our minds. Thank You for providing so very much of it. In Jesus’ Name, Amen…
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May God Bless You,
Thankyou Shelly?
I’m going to do this today…
I planted zinnia flower seeds a month ago. Lovely is the way God grows His creation. This morning one of the tiny buds bloomed!!
Oh, Linda, what a sweet blessing!!! You’re right, it is so lovely the way God grows His creation! Love you! <3 Heart Hugs
Really enjoyed this one. I’ve not really done much in the way of poem writings. But it was fun! Thanks for the encouragement to do so.
I enjoyed yours as well!!
I’ve been focusing alot on this verse myself lately. So it’s very dear to my ?!
Be blessed.
It’s a great verse. I find it so challenging, but in the best of ways. <3 Heart Hugs
Lovely! Really enjoyed creating my own poem using your template. Thanks for sharing your creativity, Shelly. LOTSoluv Kerryn
Yay! 🙂 Mission accomplished! Heart Hugs <3
I am going to work on this before going to sleep tonight. Hopefully, doing so will help banish some of the “tossing and turning” that I deal with! Thank you, Shelly!
Margie, I’m praying you will be able to get rest this week! Love you! Heart Hugs <3