Seek First Project: Something Soothing (Day 69)

The disciples went and woke him up, shouting, “Master, Master, we’re going to drown!” When Jesus woke up, he rebuked the wind and the raging waves. Suddenly the storm stopped and all was calm. – Luke 8:24

Today I made a “soothing jar”. It’s beautiful.

I want you to make one, too!

This jar can be shaken up, just like your life can be! Watching the slow swirling and settling, the shimmers as the glitter floats and turns… it’s, well, soothing.

God can sooth our fears and worries, too. Doesn’t mean we won’t be shaken up… just means that eventually, things will settle.

I like to use my jar to pray as I watch the swirling. Carissa often takes it into her room. She can stare at it for the longest time, just breathing and relaxing.

Jesus responded, “Why are you afraid? You have so little faith!” Then he got up and rebuked the wind and waves, and suddenly there was a great calm. – Matthew 8:26

Instructions for making a “soothing jar”:
What you will need:
Clear Jar (this can be as small as you like, and can even be a plastic water bottle!, just adjust recipe)
Clear Elmer’s Glue (or a glitter glue)
Hot Water
Food Coloring
Super Glue

Find a jar.  I used a glass one.  Mix 1 tablespoon clear Elmer’s glue (I estimated), with every cup of hot water.  Add a couple drops of food coloring.  You don’t need too much, you don’t want the water too dark.  Then add glitter.  Since glitter can be considered a little girly, I used blue and green to make it a little more boy friendly.  After I was done, I super glued the lid on.  

There you go! Voila, something soothing!


Dear Lord, You are the Master over everything. You alone are Mighty and Good. Thank You for soothing our fears and being so patient with our recurring struggles. In Your Name we pray, Amen…

Photo by Iqbal Osman1


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May God Bless You,


One Comment on “Seek First Project: Something Soothing (Day 69)

  1. LOVE this idea Shelly! I’m gonna have to do this soon. I have plenty of glass jars. Just need hubby to purchase some glitter for me! I’m all for glitter! I think we all need a few sparkles in our lives! God bless. LOTSoluv Kerryn

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