Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice!
Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do.
Remember, the Lord is coming soon.
– Philippians 4:4-5
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May God Bless You,
I especially noticed this in today’s verse:
Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do.
Yes, Lord, amen,
I add my “Amen” to yours, Mary! Love you. Heart Hugs, Shelly <3
How could we be full of anything but joy knowing that He is coming soon? There is such hope in that promise! I cannot wait!
Heather+@+My+Overflowing+Cup recently posted…An Announcement and A Gift For You!
You and me both, Heather!!! What a glorious day that will be! Love you. Heart Hugs, Shelly <3