The Difference You Can Make

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Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” – Jesus (John 13:35)

A couple of weeks ago, I had to visit our local Urgent Care Clinic. You remember the dreaded UTI, right? I was feeling downright miserable and worrying more over whether or not they could find out why than I was about my own health. It’s one of those quirks of chronic illness I never quite get over.

The nurse who took me back into a room, his name was Michael. He was a kind and considerate nurse and we were just chatting while he took my vitals. When he had finished, he asked if he could pray with me.

I was so surprised to find that bit of grace right in the middle of my anxiety. Right in the middle of this clinical place where people never really meet your eyes, much less take the time to minister to your soul. When I agreed, Michael placed his hand on my shoulder and knelt before Jesus with me.

Such utter peace came over me. That young man made such a difference to me, more of a difference than he could ever know. I have prayed for him by name every day since then. I’m hoping that you’ll pray for him, too. We need more like Michael in this hurried world, and I want God to show him what a blessing he is.

I want you to remember, too, how much of a difference the little things make… the little moment of time you take to give a compliment, the small second it takes to grant a smile, the simplest words in a 30-second prayer with your arm on a stranger’s shoulder.

Reach out today, won’t you? You can make a difference. If you’re willing.

Dear God, thank you for bringing Michael into my day. I pray that You will bless him as he blesses others, in Your mighty name. Amen….

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May God Bless You,


3 Comments on “The Difference You Can Make

  1. Thank YOU, Shelly, for consistently being willing to make a positive and God-led difference in our lives! YOU are SUCH a BLESSING to us all!
    Love you!

  2. May God bless Michael with MANY people willing to receive the prayers he offers and may many be touched by the POWER of the SAVIOUR’S LOVE.


  3. Oh, for those dear souls who surprisingly bring us Jesus into our daily lives. We feel like, “yes, Jesus does love me!!”
    Thank you for sharing the story about you and Michael❤️

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