The Problem with Joy (the turtle)

Like newborn babies, you must crave pure spiritual milk so that you will grow into a full experience of salvation. Cry out for this nourishment, now that you have had a taste of the Lord’s kindness. – 1 Peter 2:2-3


Our sweet Joy turtle is just what her name describes. She’s the one on the top. She brings joy to our family.

But she’s a silly turtle, too, just like her sister, Sammi.

Joy has the opposite problem that Sammi does. She is a teeny baby with a shell still hardening, and yet she wants to act like a full-grown strong turtle.

Joy eschews the tiny baby soft, round pellets and tries to steal Sammi’s big turtle pellets. They’re so hard she has to wait a while before the water softens them enough for her to crumble. Then she eats the crumbs, but the pellet itself is longer than her head, so there’s no getting that puppy down quickly.

Joy chases the fish around the aquarium, trying to catch and eat them. Most of them are bigger than she is and they’re only minnows. If she actually caught one, it would probably drag her around the tank, but you can’t convince her of that.

I admire her spunk. But I also see how I’m like her in the not-so-good ways. When chronic illness invades your life, or at least when it invaded mine, it brought about a complete paring down of my faith. I was laid bare and stripped to basics. I was back to needing milk.

Sometimes I chase minnows around the tank instead of gobbling up the soft little pellets that are nutritionally just right for me. Sometimes I get a mouthful of fin and get dragged around the tank. You?

It’s okay to have to go back to the basics when your world is turned upside down. Let’s not try to grow up too fast. Are you with me?

Father in Heaven, help us to be willing to relearn as our circumstances change. Thank You for loving us through it all. In Jesus’ Name, Amen…

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May God Bless You,


One Comment on “The Problem with Joy (the turtle)

  1. Ah, Shelly – I am convinced from my own life experiences that going back to the basics is a given – the places where Jesus first said He will never forsake me; His strength is sufficient; and so many more.

    Perhaps they are basic or seeming like milk we needed when all was new and we needed to be fed but in other ways, our seeking them out means we know where to go and perhaps that milk has turned to cream over our years and we are not at the total beginnings – just being renewed to begin from where we are “right now”.

    Great posting – love seeing your photo of Joy and Sammi!
    xo Lynn
    Lynn+Severance recently posted…I’m Expecting!!!My Profile

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