There are “friends” who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother. – Proverbs 18:24
I spoke with a friend today. Dialed the number, listened as it rang. Let me tell you, my face just lit up as I heard her answer!
What had been a dreary day became a joy. Just at the sound of the voice of a friend.
Sometimes we’re meant to be God with skin on to our fellow travelers in this world, it’s as simple as that.
As the day wore on and the joy lingered, I of course talked to God about it. The Holy Spirit promptly brought some scriptures to mind.
See, some days friends aren’t available at the same time that we are. Sometimes you need that voice, but you’re alone.
But God…..
So now we can rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with God because our Lord Jesus Christ has made us friends of God. – Romans 5:11
We have a friend who is always there right beside us (or if you’re like me, sometimes you’re in His lap?). He’s there. Day and night. Through pain and joy. And he longs, oh how He longs, for us to share it all with Him. Every single minute detail. He wants to weep when we weep and rejoice when we rejoice.
I know this because He wept when His friends were grieving the death of Lazarus. Remember, He knew full well that He would raise Him from the dead in just a few minutes. But He wept, leaving us an example of both His love and His character.
I know this because He shared the joy of His resurrection with the women in the garden. Remember, it was all part of the plan. But He rejoiced just the same, and even instructed them to spread the good news.
Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20
Always. He’s with us always.
The next time you really just need to hear the voice of a friend, reach out to Him in prayer. Open up His love letter to you and read His sacred words.
It’ll be just what you need. I promise.
Sweet Jesus, thank You for the voice of earthly friends. Thank you for precious company and for people who get us. Thank You, Lord, even more for Your voice, constant and steady in our ear. Your love astounds us. In Your Name, Amen…
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May God Bless You,
I love the concept of being a friend of God.
I have many ideas about He is my friend,
but it is challenging to think about how I am His friend. I love reciprocal friendships most so I like to ask Him how I can be His friend today.
That is so true, Mary! Friendship is best when it’s reciprocal! Love you! <3 Heart Hugs