Where is God?

Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, “I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you,”
so that we confidently say,
The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid.

What will man do to me?” – Hebrews 13:5-6

I wanted to write this post, Dear Ones. I’ve been wanting to, and the words have flitted around in my mind for a while now but never come into focus in a way that felt right. Not until tonight.

And then, it wasn’t my words.

But I felt such an answer echoing in my soul when I heard this song. This song. 

And so, for today, I showcase another’s words, and I know for certain it could never have been said more beautifully… more perfectly. The fact that it’s set to music just reminds me how our God is a God of the details. 

Without further ado…


“Through All of It” by Colton Dixon

There are days of taking more than I can give
And there are choices that I made that I wouldn’t make again
I’ve had my share of laughter
Of tears and troubled times
This has been the story of my life

I have won
And I have lost
I got it right sometimes, but sometimes I did not
Life’s been a journey
I’ve seen joy, I’ve seen regret
Oh, and You have been my God through all of it

You were there when it all came down on me
When I was blinded by my fear and I struggled to believe
But in those unclear moments You were the one keeping me strong
This is how my story’s always gone

I have won
And I have lost
I got it right sometimes, but sometimes I did not
Life’s been a journey
I’ve seen joy, I’ve seen regret
Oh, and You have been my God through all of it
Oh, through all of it

And this is who You are, more constant than the stars
Up in the sky, all these years, all my life
I, I look back and I see You
Right now I still do
And I’m always going to

I have won
And I have lost
I got it right sometimes, but sometimes I did not
Life’s been a journey
I’ve seen joy, I’ve seen regret
Oh, and You have been my God through all of it
Oh, and You have been my God through all of it
Oh, and You have been my God through all of it

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May God Bless You,


3 Comments on “Where is God?

  1. Just beautiful, Shelly. It is so true that through all the twists & turns in life, our God is with us through it all. So grateful He is the one constant in our lives. Hope you are doing well. Blessings!
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