John was like a burning and shining lamp, and you were excited for a while about his message. – John 5:35
He’s cool, no doubt. He’s debonair and suave and spunky. But there are other reasons I want to be like the Human Torch.
The first reason is because I look great in orange. Not everyone can pull that off, but it really compliments my skin tone.
But seriously.
This dude has taken what could be a serious disability and turned it into a reason to cheer. How did he do it? Simple.
He found the best way to use His crazy power for good. He looked for a way to showcase the right and beat down the darkness.
He could no longer wear regular clothes, so he made himself a snazzy new heat-resistant suit and got right out there into the fray.
He not only produces his own fire to keep enemies at bay; he also controls existing fires. Yep, that’s right, he can take one of the scariest and destructive forces and quench it. He can warp it and take it over and twist it until it is working for good instead of evil.
The man flies. Flies! No cape needed. He flies on fire. Wow.
He’s learning as he goes, just like we are. He messes up sometimes, but he’s extra careful because he recognizes that his power is a dangerous one that requires serious responsibility.
You have that power within you. Through Jesus Christ, you can do all of this and more!! Get out there and find the best way to use your crazy power for good. Don’t let what seems to be a disadvantage keep you down and out.
Flame On!
Holy Lord, teach us how to follow Your will in these imperfect bodies on this broken earth. Help us to burn for you. In Jesus’ Name, Amen…
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May God Bless You,
What a fun and powerful post! (and that song… I LOVE that song!)
Love it! Human Torches- lighting up the world- burning with compassion- obliterating the darkness! Wow- let’s ignite! We sing that song at church and I just feel ready to explode! Have a wonderful day and thanks for the encouragement to BURN!
Cindy Barclay recently posted…Moms: Rock Your Cradle- Rule Your World
Had to come back and say- another line really grabbed me- “this guy had taken a serious disability and turned it into a reason to cheer” WOW- just wow! What a thought- I’m going to let that one simmer in my brain!
Cindy+Barclay recently posted…Moms: Rock Your Cradle- Rule Your World