What Is Worry Really All About? (& a Free Printable!)

Better to be patient than powerful; better to have self-control than to conquer a city. – Proverbs 16:32

My daughter is a worrier. I can neither confirm nor deny that she got this trait from her mother. Ok, that’s a lie. We come from a long line of champion worriers, she and I.

And so, we have adopted a mantra. That mantra is:
“Your thoughts are not the boss of you.”

I love the above verse because it sums up our mantra quite nicely. Worrying really is about two things. The first is patience.

Do I have the patience to wait on God’s answer? God’s rescue is coming. Will I be still enough to notice it, or will I be too busy letting my imagination run wild with my fears?

Will I still even be on that same topic when the answer comes? See, the enemy loves to get our minds into a frenzy. Once we reach that state, we’re off chasing rabbit trails. These rabbit trails are not pretty and they lead to places of stress. Where will my focus be when the Lord delivers?

The second thing that worry is really about is self-control.

The Holy Spirit wants to help me be present and focused when worry tries to take control. But I thwart Him every time. I allow my thoughts to wander back, time and again, to whatever it is I am fretting about.

I can exercise self-control over my thoughts if I remember the 3 P’s: Prayer, Praise, and Power-Packed Scripture. Will I?

After I did this study, I made myself a printable. It’s below, if you’d like to print one for yourself.


Your thoughts are not the boss of you!

Dear God, life is awfully fear-packed sometimes, and practicing patience and self-control during those times is something that requires supernatural aid. Thank You for always, always providing exactly what we need. In Jesus’ Name, Amen…

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May God Bless You,


4 Comments on “What Is Worry Really All About? (& a Free Printable!)

  1. I needed this today Shelly! A few worries have been consuming my thoughts. But I’ll remember to be patient, pray, praise and stand on His powerful word! thank you for the reminder! <3

    • Kimberly, I’m SO thankful I’m not the only one who needed this little study! I’m praying for you! Love you! <3 Heart Hugs

  2. so many struggle with this. worry causes depression in me so I really have to be intentional with this. i have to let things roll the way they will.

    thanks for caring Shelly!

    • Worry is one of my constant struggles, Marie. I’ll pray for you. I know you pray for me. Love you. <3 Heart Hugs

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