I will be your God throughout your lifetime— until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you. – Isaiah 46:4
One of my favorite poems, and probably one of yours, has always been Footprints. If you’ve never had the opportunity to read it, I encourage you to do so here. It is simply beautiful. Inspiring.
A funny thing struck me just the other day as I was re-reading this great poem, looking for some inspiration. That happens pretty often actually. I’m just reading along, minding my own business, when the most hilarious picture pops into my mind. I was quickly reminded that God has a sense of humor. So here it is.
I was reading the first part of the poem, about walking along with God, our footprints side-by-side there in the sand. Honest to goodness, mine weren’t footprints in my mind’s imagery, they were drag marks. Drag. Marks. Do you ever feel that way? I have no doubt that in my most difficult moments, my Lord is carrying me. That part I have no trouble imagining just the way it is described in the poem. But walking along side-by-side, well, is that really me?
Now, I know I am loved by God. And I know He doesn’t actually drag us where we do not wish to go. But I also believe that the Spirit used that imagery in my mind to make the point that there are days when I do seem to dig my heels in and insist on having my way (and probably to lighten my load a little that day). I have to admit, it did make me chuckle. I do keep trudging along, but don’t I grumble, mutter under my breath a little, and question a lot? Perhaps with as hard as my heels are dug in and as much as I’m shuffling my feet in procrastination, my footprints would indeed look like drag marks.
Oh Lord, you are so patient with me! Thank you for your unfailing mercies, for your sense of humor, and for walking beside me. Please help me to lift my feet a little higher each day, as I learn to trust more deeply and bear less of my own burdens. I want to be a good companion to you, Lord, because I will never leave your side. In Jesus’ Name, Amen….
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May God Bless You,
Oh, Shelly, God has to drag me along sometimes too! I’m grateful that He understands me and knows my heart even on the days that I drag my feet. Thanks so much for this encouraging post…and thanks you for being part of Testimony Tuesday!
Holly Barrett recently posted…I’m hopeful too
I’m so glad you came by, Holly!! I loved your post and so appreciate the opportunity to link up! Thanks for your encouraging comment! Heart Hugs, Shelly <3