Liebster Award

Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other. – Romans 12:10

My friend, Jenni Saake, lives out this verse in her life better than just about anyone else I’ve ever met. I adore her. She inspires me every single day. So imagine my thrilled surprise when Jenni gave me this blogger award! Wow! And it’s my favorite color, too! Isn’t it pretty?



Blew. Me. Away.  

I really hope you’ll check out Jenni’s amazing journey from catastrophic strokes that should have taken her life, to the beacon of wonderful that she is, still blessing the world through her struggles.  
You can find her at: Infertility Mom 
or at: Given Me a Thorn  
or at: Stroke of Grace
She’s fabulous.

As a recipient of this award, I’d like first to thank the Academy.  Ha!  Nah, just kidding.  I did, however, have to answer 11 questions, so here goes: (questions from Jenni)

1 Favorite book (and why)? – Nonfiction = The Bible, hands-down, because it is the greatest story and the most thorough instruction manual and the most stirring love letter ever written. Fiction = Any of the old highlander novels by Julie Garwood. I read them over and over. Seriously. Probably my favorite is The Secret, but I truly love them all.
2 Any pets? – No, but I do long for a doggie. We have too many allergies for pets.
3 Biggest blessing? Biggest challenge? – My biggest blessing is Jesus. My family is a close second. My biggest challenge is facing this disability with grace for myself, and patience… that’s a big challenge for me, always has been.
4 Favorite dessert? – White cake with cream cheese icing.  Oh. Yum.
5 Most interesting travels? – I’m pretty boring, never been off this continent, but I loved to travel before I got sick, so have been to many of the states. They’re all beautiful in their own way.
6 Greatest dream? To be able to take care of my family again.
7 Favorite color and why? – Pink. Idk why, I’ve tried to change it, but it sticks with me. I think because it’s so frilly and girlie, and I’m not, so it’s my concession to femininity. 
8 What would you change about where you live? (i.e., more mountains, closer to the beach, more rural, etc.) – a little closer to town so that everything wasn’t such a tiring journey to get anywhere.
9 Are you a keeper/collector/clutter gal, or is simple sweeter? – After so many moves, I don’t have much clutter, but I do LOVE snails and bells. In Colorado, I had an aquarium filled with garden snails and I made them a habitat and cleaned it often and played with them. Once I even went into Petsmart and asked if they had a snail section. My husband was mortified. 😉
10 Favorite Bible verse(s) and why? – Look up into the heavens.
    Who created all the stars?
He brings them out like an army, one after another,
    calling each by its name.
Because of his great power and incomparable strength,
    not a single one is missing. – Isaiah 40:26
  *Because it reminds me each time I look into the night sky that God is the Breather of these, and He’s got my mess all figured out already. He’s capable and wondrous and huge and that makes me feel safe.
11 Besides Jesus, who, living or dead, that you don’t usually spend time with, would you like to spend an hour talking to (and why)? – My grandma, who died when I was 18. I miss her every day and I would love for her to know my family.
photo credit: listentothemountains via photopin cc

photo credit: listentothemountains via photopin cc

And now, I nominate 5 of my favorite blogs to read, as long as they have under 3000 followers. I REALLY, really hope you’ll check these out, because they bring light into my life, and I know they will yours, too. Choosing just five was so difficult, but here goes:
Christy, from Off the Shelf
Beth, from Simply Beth
Joanne, from Days & Thoughts
Here are the 11 questions they’ll be answering for me:
1. What is your favorite color?
2. If you were to name one piece of clothing that describes you, what would you say?
3. Name one funny trait you have, that you would like others to know.
4. Which letter of the alphabet describes you best? and why?
5. Candy or ice cream? 
6. As a child, what did you wish to become when you grew up?
7. What is your favorite scripture?
8. Tell us your favorite joke or riddle.
9. If you could have an unlimited storage of one thing, what would it be?
10. What is your favorite movie?
11. What color is your toothbrush?
See you at their places! 😀

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May God Bless You,


9 Comments on “Liebster Award

  1. Snails..ok, that is awesome! LOL I like them, too, as long as they aren’t in my garden! Thanks for sharing all this wonderful info about you…and thanks so much for nominating me as well! (I’ve just posted the answers to your questions on my blog!)

    Love you, Shelly! You are such a blessing!

    In His grip, Joan
    Joan recently posted…Liebster Award – and Questions from a Friend!My Profile

    • Love you, too, Joan! It was a pleasure for me to share your encouragement with my readers! Heart Hugs, Shelly <3

    • It’s a pleasure to see you again, too, Arabah! 🙂 The loft is quickly becoming one of my favorite places! Heart Hugs, Shelly <3

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