Therefore, let us offer through Jesus a continual sacrifice of praise to God, proclaiming our allegiance to his name. – Hebrews 13:15
My body and my mind have become accustomed to this feeling of constant stress. I hate it.
Sometimes, I get a little break, usually in prayer or in worship service, or even in these posts. But I want my body to know what it feels like to have a new normal, one that is free of the constant worry and fear. I want my mind to become accustomed to freedom from anxiety.
I’m starting small. I’m shooting for a day. That’s my goal. One whole day where I just refuse to fall back into that rut of stress.
Whatever makes you dwell on Christ the most, immerse yourself in that today. The whole day.
Maybe it’s writing. Scripture reading. Music, your garden, time with family. Maybe it’s being out in nature, or spending time in prayer. Art, running, photography, fishing… the list could go on and on.
Whatever it is, give yourself a full day of it. Journal at the end of the day about how different your mind and body feel after this day of focusing on Who is really in control.
May this bless you.
Heavenly Father, we dedicate this day to You. Show us today how different our lives can be when we focus on being with You and praising You, not just for a moment, but for good. In Jesus’ Name, Amen…
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May God Bless You,