Recommendation Saturday: Judging a Book, and all that…

Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth. After all, we brought nothing with us when we came into the world, and we can’t take anything with us when we leave it. -1 Timothy 6:6-7

photo credit: akahodag via photopin cc

photo credit: akahodag via photopin cc

Some things are packaged and presented like they’re going to be the greatest gift you’ve ever seen.
The outside screams, “Prepare to be amazed!”

And then you open the gift.
And it’s ordinary. It doesn’t do anything special.
It’s plain and simple… and just what you didn’t even know you wanted.

So many lessons could be learned here… what’s yours?

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Heart Hugs, Shelly  <3

Renewed Daily - Recommendation Saturday
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May God Bless You,


26 Comments on “Recommendation Saturday: Judging a Book, and all that…

    • I’m so glad He connected us, too, Yvonne! Happy the email came through this time, too! 🙂 Enjoy your weekend! Heart Hugs, Shelly <3

  1. Pingback: Bossy…the other “B” word?

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  4. Pingback: Bossy…the other “B” word?

  5. Shelly – I loved the video! Goes to show – joy can be found in the ordinary. It may look ordinary, smell ordinary, taste ordinary & still bring joy. I loved this! You find the most amazing songs & videos to share with us. I am so grateful for you! Have a great weekend!
    Joanne+Viola recently posted…Of Character, Roads & ForgivenessMy Profile

    • I’m so grateful for YOU, too, Joanne! It’s wonderful to have you as part of our little family! Heart Hugs, Shelly <3

    • I thought so, too, Holly! He definitely teaches us an important lesson, and he makes us smile while he does it. 🙂 Heart Hugs, Shelly <3

  6. Hi Shelly! ♥ I hope your week is going great, and you have a blessed Saturday! A good lesson I have learned is to be thankful for any gift from the heart; it’s always a blessing to be remembered and thought of. ♥

    Blessings and lots of hugs dear friend,
    Denise recently posted…Does Small Count?My Profile

    • Oh, you are so right about that!! It IS a blessing to be remembered and thought of! Heart Hugs, Shelly <3

  7. That was amazing! Before I saw his reaction I thought they were being mean, teasing him with a measly banana. But it’s just what he wanted. What a lesson in gratitude! P.S. I’ve been away on vacation so I hope you don’t mind me posting a blog from last week.
    Laura+Connell recently posted…What is Christianity: Martin LutherMy Profile

    • Absolutely, Laura, you can link up any post you like! 🙂 We’re just so glad to have you join us! I was skeptical when I first saw it, too, because they were trying to prank the poor little fella, but he sure showed them! The lesson was all the sweeter for it! Heart Hugs, Shelly <3

  8. Contentment. I don’t know about you Shelly, but for me, I have found more contentment in the time of lack than in the time of plenty. Isn’t that interesting. Still, there is one area of discontent. Time marches on so quickly and we are not yet at our next assignment. The wait is long. Too long. Yet again….he wants us to trust him and be content in him alone and his perfect timing. When it’s all over…this “package” will show his glory and grace. So looking forward to that!

    Hope your weekend is filled with extraordinary God moments!!
    Diane | An Extraordinary Day recently posted…Decorating the Mantel for St. Patrick’s Day with Book PagesMy Profile

    • The patience is the thing I still struggle the most with, too, Diane, but I have gained much more patience in this time of trial than in all the rest of my years. Contentment is a key, and a beautiful blessing. Praying for you as you await your timing. Heart Hugs, Shelly <3

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  11. This post reminded me of all the times over the years when I’ve been disappointed. I’ve learned to adjust my expectations and that has been a hard lesson. The truth is, the only One Who will never disappoint us – is Jesus. He will fulfill His promise every time. His way will always be more than we can imagine, better than we can imagine. In fact, when it comes to Jesus, our expectations can never be big enough! Thank you for your encouragement today, Shelly – have a blessed weekend!
    June recently posted…Inspired by . . . a heart for serviceMy Profile

    • Our expectations can never be big enough when it comes to Jesus… love that, June! Such a beautiful truth! Heart Hugs, Shelly <3

    • He is adorable, isn’t he, Nanette? So glad to see you here! Heart Hugs, Shelly <3

  12. Shelly….what a good reminder that some things are not always as they appear however God is who He says he is. No disguises! When we receive Him, we know we are getting the best gift of all. Thank you for the encouragement and for the link up once again. Have a blessed day sweet friend.
    Naomi@WhatJoyIsMine recently posted…Some Absolute Certainties of GodMy Profile

    • You are so right… no disguises! Heart Hugs, Shelly <3

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