Seek First Project: Come Boldly (Day 34)

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Because of Christ and our faith in him, we can now come boldly and confidently into God’s presence. – Ephesians 3:12

Hopefully the work we’ve done with our fears this past month will help us to come boldly before our God.

Remember in the beginning of this project, we made a list of fears in our journal? Well now it’s time to expound on that.

I want us to spend some time with God when you go back and look at this list of worries. Then, I want us to come boldly into His presence.

Make a list in your journal of the very specific things you are asking God to do in Your life right now. Use your fears list as a general guideline, but if things have come up since then, go ahead and include new requests.

God wants us to ask, Dear Ones. Have you?


Dear God, we come boldly before Your throne today. Embolden us. Comfort us. Remind us to ask. In Jesus’ Name, Amen…

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May God Bless You,


One Comment on “Seek First Project: Come Boldly (Day 34)

  1. Thank YOU Shelly!! I’m stunned at the release that I feel in doing this. God has done something special & He’s used YOU to help in this process. Thanks HEAPS! The 5 fears that I listed at the start were turned around tonight. I’ve prayed MANY times for release from them, but somehow this process has given a different perspective and process, which God has used to deliver me from those fears. I’m realistic & know fears will come again….. possibly those fears will return, but I sense that the magnitude of them is different now. May God continue to guide you in this one year project & may He bless you abundantly. LOTSoluv Kerryn

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