Seek First Project: When the Future Looms (Day 64)


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But I am trusting you, O Lord,
    saying, “You are my God!”
My future is in your hands.
    Rescue me from those who hunt me down relentlessly.
Let your favor shine on your servant.
    In your unfailing love, rescue me. – Psalm 31:14-16

It’s the future that gets me every time.

It casts a shadow over me that dims everything. Every. Single. Thing.

Fear of the future mars even God-given blessings, joy unspeakable, because each joy can feel like just a step closer to the other shoe dropping. Sometimes I feel like I’m constantly cringed for the bad news that’s surely coming, just around the corner.

That’s what the devil wants us to think, isn’t it?

This looming future is his creation.

The truth is in the verse above.

My future is in your hands.

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And so, today, after a break that has wreaked a little havoc on my progress, I am reaffirming:
But I am trusting you, O Lord,
    saying, “You are my God!”

Have you slipped a bit this past ten days, too?

Today, let’s make a new list in our journal. I don’t know about you, but I’ve taken on a few new fears by now. I won’t let the devil sit in my life. I won’t let him control either my actions or my reactions!

My list in my journal today is of the fears that have come up in this blogging break. I’m finding that most of them are recurring, not actually brand new. I’m betting you’ll find the same. Tomorrow, we begin to tackle them afresh.

So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. – James 4:7


Dear God, we come before You today aware that You are the only One who can help. The only One who cares. The only One who holds our future. Please help us to stand firm in Your Word, to continue to seek You first. In Jesus’ Name, Amen…



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May God Bless You,


2 Comments on “Seek First Project: When the Future Looms (Day 64)

  1. You have no idea how many fears have crept in for me during the break Shelly! Thanks HEAPS for posting again. This year long series is GOLD for me! I know it will be life-changing for me. God is good! LOTSoluv Kerryn

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