Why I Hope There Will Be Tears in Heaven

He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever.” – Revelation 21:4

I seem to be thinking of heaven on an almost daily basis lately. It’s pretty awesome.

Today I was thinking of how there will be no tears in Heaven. Since brain damage, I have not been able to cry at sadness or pain very easily. Sometimes this bothers me, mostly as I worry that people will not think I am feeling the emotions themselves. It is also difficult to need the release that crying would bring, and not be able to summon the actual tears.

But happy tears? Those I have in abundance. Tears of gratitude. Tears of overwhelming blessing. Tears of joy and laughter.

I’m praying today that those kind of tears will be allowed in Heaven, because I know that even my new body will not be able to hold all the wondrous magnitude of my love. That joy is bound to eek out, and tears seem a beautiful offering of that love.

So today I will think of Heaven, and I will think not of the tears that will be absent. Not of the pain and the loneliness and the fear that cause tears here on earth.

No, today I will think of the beauty of tears of laughter. The wonder of tears of overwhelming gratitude. The tears of joy uncontained.

Please, Lord, Let there be tears in Heaven. In Jesus’ Name, Amen…

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May God Bless You,


3 Comments on “Why I Hope There Will Be Tears in Heaven

  1. Joining with you in your hope, Shelly 🙂 As we know, there will be nothing but joy, I’m so looking forward to it, as we worship our King.

  2. Just what I needed today. Been pondering and rejoicing all day.

  3. I hear your beautiful heart about tears of JOY, Shelly and I hope we will have those in Heaven, too.
    I think of Heaven lots too…..it’s hard to wait when life is long and hard !
    BUT God faithfully provides for each day and I get through it on grace alone.

    I still think there are blessings ahead for YOU personally…and look forward to reading about the friendship of a neighbour or something that you know is a special gift God has arranged for you in your new locality. He loves you so much Shelly!

    I love you too and pray for you often.


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