An Offer You Shouldn’t Refuse… Meet Anita

Not that I have already obtained it or have already become perfect, but I press on so that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus. – Philippians 3:12

I have this friend…. she is flat-out amazing. Seriously, she should go around in a sparkly cape, but she’s much to humble to do such a thing. I want you to know her, because knowing her has changed my life. That’s the truth.


Her name is Anita. This is her with her fur-baby, Brinkley. Isn’t she just lovely? She shares her heart and her Savior on Scatter the Stones, her space on the web. Anita suffers from chronic pain, but it just can’t snuff out her joy, no matter how hard it tries, because she is anchored so tightly to her Lord.

Every single thing about her is gentle. She wears peace and it wafts out from her like a sweet perfume. She is constantly doing anything she can think of to encourage and uplift and spread hope. This week, she offered up something much too yummy to pass up.


Hop over and check it out, won’t you? Sign up, like I did. You’ll be glad you did.


Heavenly Father, blessings like Anita’s friendship are some of the ones that I have no trouble believing that You hand-picked for me. Bless her today, Father, as she blesses us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen…


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May God Bless You,


3 Comments on “An Offer You Shouldn’t Refuse… Meet Anita

  1. Dear Shelly, we are so, so blessed with our friends that are hand picked by Jesus. Anita’s spirit is like a soft furry blanket covering our spirit in love.

  2. Shelly – Thank you for honoring your friend Anita and sharing her with us today! I am so very thankful to have such amazing friends in my life and I can tell you feel the same way about Anita. 🙂 Also, thank you for sharing your post today at #WeekendWhispers

  3. Anita sounds like a lovely and inspirational woman to be friends with. Thank you for sharing her story!

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