Seek First Project: Truly Free (Day 21)

So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free.  – John 8:36

Worry feels like a prison. Anxiety locks us down. Fear puts us in shackles.

But Jesus has made us free. Truly free.

I saw a picture today that perfectly depicted this tug-of-war we wrestle with…

Right?? (The cat is me, by the way.)

We’re staring at the bars, trying to figure out how to escape, when we’re already set free.

Today, I’m pulling out my journal, and I hope you will, too. I’m writing down five things I would do if I were truly free from worry, fear, anxiety, and panic.

Then I’m choosing one to do today.


Dear God, I want to experience true freedom in You. Thank You for this amazing opportunity. Walk with me, Father, today and always. Or rather, let me walk with You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen…

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May God Bless You,


3 Comments on “Seek First Project: Truly Free (Day 21)

  1. Happy Birthday dear Shelly! I pray it’s a special day for you no matter what your health is doing. Enjoy! LOTSoluv Kerryn

  2. Thank you Shell, Holding you close to my heart today!
    May the Lord be with you, Holding you and lifting you above all fear, anxiety and stress. Keeping you in His peace.

    Happy and blessed, B-day to you.
    Hugs Di ?

  3. Hi Dear Shelly,
    It’s 9pm here and I’ve only now come on to the internet.
    A very happy birthday my sweet friend. I hope your day is loaded with joy-filled moments.
    You have put, in a nutshell, just how horrible anxiety is.
    “Worry feels like a prison. Anxiety locks us down. Fear puts us in shackles.
    But Jesus has made us free. Truly free.”
    Thank you for reminding me how Jesus is our answer <3
    Linda vdM

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